Goals: If brute force isn’t working, you aren’t trying hard enough.

2 min readMay 6, 2022

Goal Setting: When brute force doesn’t work, what do you do?

Unfortunately, we don’t get taught how to goal set without sheer willpower.

There’s a better way, and its how I roll.

Here are 3 pieces of advice that will help you get exactly what you want in your life/biz.


  1. Look for the means.

When we’re first starting out, you think a goal needs to look EXACTLY as you envision.

Often I had gotten exactly what I wanted, but then tossed it aside because it didnt fit my mental picture. But the feeling was always there. Focus on FEELINGS.

  1. It’s Not Hard.

We are taught there are only 2 ways to accomplish a goal. Focus and Effort

But as you continue on your journey, you’ll learn that these ALONE wont help.

What you need to do is learn to go with the flow.

  1. Flow

How do you get to Flow if you’ve never experienced it?

A few things that helped me:

• Small goal with no plans — and be open to what happens

• Yes, And. Never say No.

• Listen to your heart

Change happens slow, and then all at once.

In the beginning, you’ll want to manage and make it happen according to your schedule.

The universe has its own google calendar.

This is part of the process, let go to get it to go.

Any good downhill adventure sport enthusiast will tell you that 1/2 the battle is getting past the fear, and the other half is basically flinging yourself downhill.

TL;DR — Advice for building the change you seek

• Listen to your feelings

• Let go and get into the flow

• Move past fear, fling yourself downhill.

• Try, Fall, Get Up, and before you try again — take a deep breath and a good look around.

If you found this thread valuable:

1. Toss me a follow for more threads on change, goals and achievement.

  1. Name drop someone who could benefit in the comments.

3. Drop me a DM if you need some help with building the change and transformation that you seek.

Read this post and more on my Typeshare Social Blog




I write about taking advantage of chaos, building for change, & designing your life/business so you love the hell out of it. Amateur Astrologer. Basic Witch.